Blue Legs
R$ 3,90
Blue Legs(Arm: 8).It weighs 18.00 oz.Alguns mundos podem estar faltando na lista, devido a dificulda..
Zaoan Legs
R$ 2,90
Zaoan Legs(Arm: 8, protection physical +2%).It weighs 66.00 oz.Alguns mundos podem estar faltando na..
Dwarven Legs
R$ 8,90
Dwarven Legs(Arm: 7, protection physical +3%).It weighs 49.00 oz.Alguns mundos podem estar faltando ..
Demon Legs
R$ 149,90
Demon Legs(Arm: 9).It weighs 70.00 oz.Alguns mundos podem estar faltando na lista, devido a dificuld..
Alloy Legs
R$ 2,90
Alloy Legs(Arm: 6, speed +10).It can only be wielded properly by players of level 60 or higher.It we..
Grasshopper Legs
Grasshopper Legs(Arm: 7, speed +10).It can only be wielded properly by players of level 75 or higher..
Yalahari Leg Piece
Yalahari Leg Piece(Arm: 8, distance fighting +2, protection death +5%).It can only be wielded proper..
Exotic Legs
R$ 189,90
Exotic Legs(Arm: 8, protection physical +4%).It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 130..
Depth Ocrea
R$ 4,90
Depth Ocrea(Arm: 8, protection mana dream +15%).It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and dru..
Prismatic Legs
R$ 2,90
Prismatic Legs(Arm: 8, distance fighting +2, protection physical +3%).It can only be wielded properl..
Gill Legs
R$ 2,90
Gill Legs(Arm: 7, magic level +1, protection earth +8%, fire -8%).It can only be wielded properly by..
Bast Legs
R$ 39,90
Bast Legs(Arm: 8, distance fighting +2, protection energy +4%).It can only be wielded properly by pa..
Soulful Legs
R$ 19,90
Soulful Legs(Arm: 8, magic level +1, protection holy +8%).It can only be wielded properly by sorcere..
Ornate Legs
R$ 9,90
Ornate Legs(Arm: 8, protection physical +5%).It can only be wielded properly by knights of level 185..
Fabulous Legs
R$ 39,90
Fabulous Legs(Arm: 9, distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, club fighting +2, axe fighting +2, pr..
R$ 3,90
R$ 2,90
R$ 8,90
R$ 149,90
R$ 4,90
R$ 2,90
R$ 39,90
R$ 19,90
R$ 9,90
R$ 39,90
Exibindo de 1 a 15 do total de 18 (2 páginas)